01/2016 Meetings & Events
Date | Event | Type |
January 18 | Impact of Legalization of Marijuana in the Workplace | Dinner Meeting |
January 22 | January 22, 2018 Book Club discussion- "Nine Minutes on Monday" | Book / Video Club Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 15 | Ensure your Recruitment Efforts are "state of the art.” | Dinner Meeting |
February 20 | Leadership through Navigational Conversation-- 2 day workshop | HRA member's event |
Date | Event | Type |
March 8 | ADR and Negotiating Skills | Breakfast Roundtable |
March 15 | Why Employee Engagement Matters? How to Measure it, Act on it, and Sell it to the C-Suite! | Dinner Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 19 | The Employment Law Test | Dinner Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 17 | Protecting Your Company Assets - HR's Role | Dinner Meeting |
May 23 | Conducting Workplace Investigations and Using Modern tools | Breakfast Roundtable |
May 23 | DE Valley HR Person of the Year Awards Dinner |
Date | Event | Type |
June 21 | There's Gotta Be an Easy Way: Tips and Tricks for the HR Professional | Dinner Meeting |
June 26 | Breakfast Roundtable June 26, 2018 - NJ TWO NEW EMPLOYMENT LAWS: Paid Sick Leave and Diane B Allen Equal Pay | Breakfast Roundtable |
Date | Event | Type |
July 11 | Breakfast Roundtable July 11, 2018 - NJ TWO NEW EMPLOYMENT LAWS: Paid Sick Leave and Diane B Allen Equal Pay | Breakfast Roundtable |
Date | Event | Type |
September 20 | Update on Employer Health Plans and Retirement Plans | Dinner Meeting |
September 26 | Breakfast Roundtable: GVCC in partnership with HRASNJ - Seminar on Paid Sick Leave | Breakfast Roundtable |
Date | Event | Type |
October 14 to October 16 | GSC SHRM 27th Annual Conference and Expo | Conference |
October 18 | October 18, 2018 Steps to Managing Resistance to Change | Dinner Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 15 | The Hidden Profit: High Potential vs High Performing Employees. | Dinner Meeting |
November 27 | Business Roundtable: Building the Pipeline: Assessing NJ's Talent Supply and Demand | HRA member's event |
Date | Event | Type |
December 3 | Business Roundtable: Building the Pipeline: Assessing NJ's Talent Supply and Demand | HRA member's event |
December 13 | 2018 Holiday Social & Not So Silent Auction | Holiday Social |