01/2018 Meetings & Events
Date | Event | Type |
January 16 | The Hidden Job Market - Hiring individuals with Criminal Backgrounds | Dinner Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 20 | Emotional Intelligence | Dinner Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 19 | Lessons in Leadership -- CANCELLED: TO BE RESCHEDULED | Dinner Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 8 | Best Practices for Immigration Compliance - CANCELLED: TO BE RESCHEDULED | Breakfast Roundtable |
April 16 | The Trump Administration Employment Regulation: Employer Friendly Or Fake News? POSTPONED UNTIL FALL | Dinner Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 13 | Bringing Employees Back... A Medical and Legal Perspective | Webinar |
May 19 | POSTPONED -- Implementing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Without Creating Legal Liability | Breakfast Roundtable |
May 21 | The Profound Power of Presence | virtual meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 18 | Mind Full or Mindful? Decluttering the Busy Leader's Mind | Webinar |
Date | Event | Type |
July 14 | Managing Through Crisis: How COVID-19 Spotlighted the Need for Great People Managers | Webinar |
Date | Event | Type |
August 12 | DE Valley HR Person of the Year Awards Dinner | virtual meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 17 | Lessons in Leadership | Dinner Meeting |
September 23 | Member Reception & Membership Drive | Reception / Orientation |
Date | Event | Type |
October 7 | Implementing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Without Creating Legal Liability | Breakfast Roundtable |
October 11 to October 13 | The 2020 GSC-SHRM Conference is going VIRTUAL! | Conference |
October 15 | On Duty Consequences for Off Duty Conduct? | Dinner Meeting |
October 17 to October 19 | The 2021 GSC-SHRM Conference is going VIRTUAL! | Conference |
October 23 | COVID19 & FFCRA UPDATE | virtual meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 10 | The New W4 in's and out's to get it right | virtual meeting |
November 19 | Impact of Covid19 on Worker Compensation Cases | virtual meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 17 | 2020 Holiday Social & Not So Silent Auction | Holiday Social |