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Event Details

    Update on NJ leave laws and Federal laws as related to COVID19

    Date: January 27, 2021, 8:30am – 11:00am
    8:30 - 11:00 program
    FREE to Members Non-Members $15
    Event Type:
    Breakfast Roundtable
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    NJ DOL laws  Presenter:  Anthony Arcamone and Andrea Jensen

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Understand NJ Paid Family & Medical Leave laws
    2. Understand the employer's role in the NJ Paid Family & Medical Leave application process
    3. Be able to explain to employees what benefits they may be eligible for

    Presentation Descriptions:

    Now more than ever, employees need time to give and receive care. During this presentation, program experts from the NJ Department of Labor will teach you about NJ Paid Family and Medical Leave, including what employers are covered under the law, who is eligible for benefits, and for what circumstances an employee can take leave. You will learn about your role in the application process and how you can help employees apply for the right benefits. You will also learn how job-protection aligns with NJ Paid Family and Medical Leave benefits.

    Federal Leaves and Cares Act (covid updates) - Megan Balne, Esq. Megan Knowlton Balne

    Paid Sick Leave and Emergency FMLA leave under the CARES Act was not extended and expired on December 31, 2020.  Employers, however, can continue to provide leave on a voluntary basis.  This presentation will discuss strategies for employers to navigate the expiration of FFCRA leave and best practices on how to implement the leave on a voluntary basis.

    • Review of FFCRA Leave
    • Discussion of continuing obligation of employers to isolate sick employees under OSHA
    • Strategies for filling the gap left by the FFCRA
    • Considerations in determining whether to voluntarily continue FFCRA leave
    Certification credit:  This program is pending for 2.5 general recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute.  Please be sure to note the program ID number on your recertification application form.  For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HR Certification Institute website at         

      “HRCI has pre-approved this activity for recertification credit toward the aPHR®, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, aPHRi™, PHRi™, GPHR® and SPHRi™ certifications. The content of the activity submitted has met the criteria of the Approved Provider Program.”                      

    Approved -  2.5 PDC's