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Event Details

    Mental Health in the WorkPlace

    Date: May 26, 2016, 8:00am
    Cumberland County College, George Luciano Conference Center
    $25 HRA member $35 Non-HRA member
    Event Type:
    Breakfast Roundtable
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    Registration   7:30 am
    Breakfast      8:00 am
    Presentation  8:30-11:00 am 

    Presenters:    Gary Moellers (Word Document), The Guidance Center

                          Bruce Harrison, Esq (Word Document), Capehart and Scatchard

                          Frederick Parkell (Word Document), Salem County Prosecutor’s Office

    This workshop will cover three areas:

    1. Mental health in the workplace – how to identify issues and what you can do.

    2. How OSHA views /  regulates violence in the workplace

    3. Handling an active shooter situation

    Mental Health – Gary Moellers

    Yes, it can happen to your organization.  Although we hope we have healthy and productive employees at all times, you know that isn’t true.  

    Learn how mental health issues impact your business and what you can do to prevent problems or resolve them when they do arise in the workplace. 

    Workplace Violence – Bruce Harrison, Esq.

    Some impacts can result in Workplace Violence - Nearly 2 million American workers report having been victims of workplace violence each year. Unfortunately, many more cases go unreported. Research has identified factors that may increase the risk of violence for some workers at certain worksites.

    OSHA focus on the issue of workplace violence has ramped up dramatically in the past few years.  Their initiatives have included the publishing of a Workplace Violence Factsheet, as well as Healthcare and Social Service Workplace Violence Guidelines, and, perhaps most importantly, relying on the so called “general duty clause” to take enforcement action against employers.  The most important case of this type is now pending before the OSHA Review Commission, with major national players including the Chamber of Commerce filing “friends of the court” briefs.  The final outcome in this case could be far reaching, and employers are well advised to implement proactive measures to be ahead of the possible outcome.  Several possible proactive measures will be discussed.

    • What is workplace violence?
    • Who is at risk of workplace violence?
    • How can workplace violence hazards be reduced?
    • What is employer’s responsibility to prevent workplace violence?

    Active Shooter – What to do:  - Frederick Parkell

    Run, Hide or Fight!!!

    How do you respond and how do you prepare your organization to be ready

    Sponsor: (Workplace Financial Wellness)


    Certification Credit:  

    This program has is pending  2.5 general recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute.

            2.5 PDCs for SHRM-CP / SHRM-SCP recertification credits